2. 理由同上……所以Randy同學在上飛機前才拿到那麽重要的東西……|||||||
3. 這座旅店完全是虛構的= =
4. Gale曾經在一個電視訪談中說過(大意),拍攝第一場性愛場面是開始拍攝的第三天,那時他和Randy還不大熟,當時他們在床上躺下,現場的氣氛有點緊張。
5. 摘自Randy02年4月29日New York Magazine的採訪,Randy的原話:And the first gay bar I ever went to when I was living in Atlanta, I felt more isolated than I ever have in my life. I thought, My God, is this internalized homophobia? Is this self-hatred? Eventually, I realized I’m just a gay man who hates dance music.”
6. Gale做演員前的職業是一個木工= =
7. 原文:Lovable melan-ball RANDY HARRISON told me he stopped watching the show two years ago because ”it’s exhausting enough to shoot. I’ve seen myself as Justin so much it bores me.
8. Simon的原話:In person, Harrison is quietly intense, and his look ─ wire-frame glasses, an exceedingly bland tan sweater, unremarkable jeans ─ is so understated that it doesn’t even qualify as geek chic.
9. QAF的執行導演Ron Cowen曾這樣描述他對Gale的看法:他有很強的主見,也有很明確的政治觀點。有時我想他是我見過的最聰明的人。我認識很多受過高等教育,讀很多書很聰明的人們,但Gale好像已經超越了那個層次。天才已經變成了一個廉價的詞,特別是在好萊塢,但Gale的確聰明,富於創造力。
原文:Gale has very strong opinions, and he’s very political. Sometimes I think he’s the smartest person I’ve ever met. I know a lot of smart, well-educated, well-read people. But there’s something about Gale where it takes a leap from education or keen intelligence to some other place. Genius is a cheap word, especially in Hollywood. But he’s really smart.” ── Queer as Folk executive producer Ron Cowen (The Advocate, 2002)
10. 採訪原文:
Q:Brian is a complex 插racter with a very restrained emotional side. Do you think that side is going to be revealed?
A:I absolutely hope so. I hope that it happens in a way that I can really sink my teeth into. Television, in my experience so far, is like the independent film experiences I’ve had where you don’t have a lot of money and you have to work really fast. For me, it would be 插llenging, exciting and even a little frightening to open him up.
Television is very episodic and things come and go like the weather. I hope that if we do get to open up Brian, it’s done in way that’s irrevocable, not just a glimpse. You get little glimpses of him every now and then, but he’s never really put in a situation where he’s forced to really open up. You know those moments when someone opens up to you in way that means you can never go back to how that relationship was before.